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Senin, 18 Februari 2013

ShaoguanUniversity ( Part 2 )

ShaoguanUniversity is located in Shaoguan City, Guangdong Province. Shaoguan is considered an excellent tourist destination in China. Nearby attractions include DanxiaMountain and NanhuaTemple. DanxiaMountain is the most famous mountain in GuangdongProvince and is one of eight National Geological Parks in the world.NanhuaTemple is 20 kilometers south of Shaoguan and has a history of more than 1,500 years. Shaoguan is easy of access to Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hongkong and Macao, 2 and half hours to Guangzhou, high-speed bus to Hongkong everyday.
ShaoguanUniversity was established in 1958. It has received high honors from the government of China for its beautiful green park-like setting. The attractive well manicured grounds provide a tranquil environment conducive for studying and pleasure. The faculty boasts of experts and scholars who are well known at home and abroad. ShaoguanUniversity is an important innovative and academic center in northern Guangdong. In 2004, it was ranked with China’s top universities when it received honors in literature.

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